Supporting Individual with Varying Abilities and their Families in the Saskatoon Area.
Our Vision
'Leaders in building inclusive communities where all people are accepted and valued'
Our Mission
'To provide Person-Centered Support, Community engagement, and connection to services for people with diverse intellectual abilities and their core networks while striving to create systemic change'
Our Values
Inclusive Community, Person-centeredness, Accountability
CLASI's History
CLASI has been active in the development programs, various organization and resources in the Saskatoon area since 1955.
January 1955
CLASI begins
Families and concerned citizens met in response to a classified ad placed in the Star Phoenix by John Dolan to discuss the needs of Children with Special Needs. The group was named "The Saskatoon Parent Council for Retarded Children".
First Staff
Our First Office staff was hired!
Saskatoon Association Community Living was re-incorporated as a non-profit organization separate from Saskatchewan Association of Community Living.
Name Change
Saskatoon Association Community Living changed their name to Community Living Association Saskatoon Inc. (CLASI)
Moved Locations
CLASI moved from our airport location to our current office at 1-816 1st Ave N.
My son has been participating in CLASI programs, including camps and clubs for 30 years. He enjoys going to these programs, as they give him the opportunity to in the community with his friends and to have new experiences. CLASI has provided our family with much support over the years, through respite, advocacy and these programs

We love CLASI and so does our son. He has enjoyed many social outings through your organization during the year and in summer camps. Your coordinators are always very good to him and we appreciate having a safe place for him to socialize with others.

The CLASI program that our son has attended over the past 16 years has been very beneficial to him. They provide him with the opportunity for social time and meeting other individuals in the community.
